Core Coaching Objectives

Our staff strive to help your swimmers make the most out of their Splash Club experience. Through practices and competition, we focus on the following core areas:

Positive Experience 

Our coaching staff strive to foster a love of the sport and the Splash Club program. For younger age groups, this requires making practices and swim meets a fun and exciting experience. As swimmers mature in age and skill level, a positive experience requires more attention to goal achievement in an encouraging, constructive environment.

Build Individual Self-Esteem

Our staff encourage Splash Club swimmers to develop a sense of pride in themselves and their efforts. We believe swimmers should be proud of their efforts regardless of their abilities or level of commitment. Individual self-improvement prioritized over winning at all times.

Improve Technique

Our staff works to improve the level of swimming proficiency for all swimmers. While some athletes will take advantage of technique training more than others, the coach’s goal is to provide equal instruction to all swimmers, regardless of ability.

Positive Motivation

Our coaches will help instill a desire to improve in every swimmer. No swimmer should feel less valuable or less important to the team than another. Our coaches work to instill passion where there is none and provide guidance and encouragement where there is already passion.

Excellence in Training 

Splash Club coaches strive to maximize the competitive potential of all Splash Club swimmers through training group development. While individual swimmers will decide their level of commitment, the program is designed to achieve the highest levels of excellence in the sport.